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Image Filter Tutorial

HTML5 Web Development

Image Filter Example Image Filter Source Code Introduction Load and Draw the Image Resize Event Filter Functions Filter the Image Summary


This short tutorial explains how to implement an image filter with HTML5. Filter red, green, and blue colors from an image. Select the Red button to see just the red channel. Select the Blue button to see just the blue channel. Select the Green button to see just the green channel.

A color channel represents one hue from an image. Most digital images include red, green, and blue channels. Some images also include an alpha channel which represents the amount of transparency per pixel.

Use the source code as it is or consider many unique and creative possibilities with color filtering. Filter portions of different channels, filter the alpha channel, modify channels based on various algorithms for an amazing variety of visual effects.

The example and tutorial include very simple responsive Web design. The image redraws to the canvas based on the content area's orientation and dimensions. The canvas and image are square. Therefore, when the user rotates a mobile device or resizes the browser window, save just one dimension, nDim, representing both width and height. We need the canvas dimensions in order to filter pixels from the canvas, as well.

Declare Shared Variables

The JavaScript file, image-filter.js, declares six variables named canvas, context, eContent, img, nDim, and sDim. Variable, canvas, is an HTML5 canvas element. Variable, img, is an image element. Variable, context, is an HTML5 canvas of type CanvasRendering2DContext. Number, nDim, represents the image's dimensions along both width and height. String sDim represents width and height for assignment to the canvas' style. Element, eContent surrounds the text and canvas area for this project.

var canvas  = null;

var context  = null;
var eContent = null;
// Image:
var img   = null;

// Default canvas width & height:
var nDim = Number(200);
var sDim = "200px";

Save Canvas and Context References

When the Web page loads, obtain references to the canvas element and the CanvasRendering2DContext. The canvas element's id property, in the Web page's HTML markup, equals cv. Retrieve the CanvasRendering2DContext, from the canvas element, with method getContext(), as follows.

// First obtain the
// canvas reference.
canvas = document.getElementById(

// From the canvas
// obtain the
// 2D rendering context.
context = canvas.getContext(

Load and Draw the Image

Next create a new image reference named, img. Prepare an onload event listener which draws an image to the Web page. Within the event listener, call 2D context method drawImage(). Parameters to drawImage() include the top left corner, width and height of the image to display. The top left corner's at X and Y coordinates (0,0). The image's width and height equal (nDim,nDim). Variable nDim represents image dimensions, along both width and height.

This example assigns an onload event listener just once. The first time the image's loaded, no filters apply. However when the image's loaded again in the future, apply filters. Therefore create a property on the image called, nFilter. Assign the value null during initialization. null simply indicates we want to draw the image without filters, this first time.

Notice function drawFilter() activates during the onload event listener, if nFilter doesn't equal null. The section titled Filter the Image, explains how drawFilter() renders different color channels based on parameter n.

Call setCanvasDimensions() to save and assign the correct canvas dimensions, based on the current browser and orientation.

After preparing the anonymous onload event listener, and saving the canvas dimensions, we can assign the image file to the image. Assign the path to an image file to the image's src property. Assign the src property after the onload event listener. Therefore the onload event listener is sure to activate when the image loads, not before. The image filter example loads file ss-harp.png, as follows.

img = new Image();
img.nFilter = null;
img.onload = function() {
 var n = ev.currentTarget.nFilter;
 if(n != null){


img.src = 'https://code.7thunders.biz/thumbnails/ss-harp.png';

Resize Event

Assign a resize event listener, to the html body tag, as follows.

<body... onresize="resizeHandler()"

The resize event listener calls setCanvasDimensions(), to calculate, save and assign the size to the canvas. The resize event listener also calls function drawReset(null). Parameter null causes drawReset() to draw the unfiltered image to the canvas.

function resizeHandler(ev){

Calculate, Save & Assign Canvas Dimensions

Assign the canvas width and height based on the window's orientation. For landscape; wider than tall, orientation, the canvas uses 40% of the width. For portrait; taller than wide, orientation, the canvas fills 100% of the width.

function setCanvasDimensions(){

// Save display area width,height:
// eContent's a div that
// surrounds the canvas
// and text areas.
var nW = Number(eContent.clientWidth);
var nH = Number(window.innerHeight);
var nXOut = nW;

// Landscape:
if (nW > nH){

// Canvas fills just 4/10
// of the width:
nDim = Number(nW * 0.4);

// Canvas floats right:
canvas.style.cssFloat = "right";
canvas.style.display = "inline";


// Portrait:

// Canvas fills the full width.
nDim = nW;

// Canvas doesn't float:
canvas.style.cssFloat = "none";
canvas.style.display = "block";


sDim = new String(nDim + "px");

if(canvas != null){

// Assign width,height:
canvas.width = nDim;
canvas.height = nDim;

// Assign width,height style:
canvas.style.width = sDim;
canvas.style.height = sDim;


Filter the Image

The image filter example includes four buttons. Tap the buttons to filter based on three different color channels. The Reset button displays the full color image without filtering. The HTML markup for the four buttons follows. Notice all four buttons call function drawReset(). The parameter for the red filter equals zero. The parameter for the green filter equals one. The parameter for the blue filter equals two. The parameter for the reset function equals null.





Filter Functions

Three functions accomplish filtering. Function drawReset() assigns a value to the image's nFilter property, then activate's the image's onload event listener. Remember from the previous section titled, Load and Draw the Image, that the image's onload event listener calls the 2D context's API method drawImage() and our user defined function drawFilter(n), if n doesn't equal null.

Function drawReset()

Function drawReset() has one parameter. The parameter indicates which color channel to display. Other color channels receive the value zero, which renders as black. Variable n is the formal parameter of drawReset(). The signature to drawReset() follows.

function drawReset(n)

Function drawReset() triggers two calls to the anonymous onload event listener, assigned in the previous section, titled Load and Draw the Image. The first call clears the image. File color-blue.png is simply a one pixel square blue indexed image. The second call loads the ss-harp.png image, of a harp.

Older browsers require two calls to activate the onload event listener. Newer browsers can skip the first call to load color-blue.png.

Before loading color-blue.png, assign the image's nFilter property, the value null. Before loading ss-harp.png, assign the image's nFilter property, the parameter value n. Parameter n will eventually pass to function drawFilters() in order to filter our image.

The entire drawReset() function follows.

function drawReset(n){
 // Older browsers, switch
 // images to force a reload of
 // the kinnor.
 img.nFilter = null;
 img.src = 'https://7thunders.biz/thumbnails/color-blue.png';
 img.nFilter = n;
 img.src = 'https://code.7thunders.biz/thumbnails/ss-harp.png';

Filter the Image

This section covers the most important part of the tutorial. Filter ever pixel in the image with function drawFilter(). The only parameter to drawFilter() is a number representing which color channel to display with the filter. The function signature follows.

function drawFilter(n)

First obtain an array of pixels from the image. 2D context method, getImageData(), returns image data with an array of pixels. Parameters to getImageData() describe a square on the canvas. Method getImageData() copies that square from the canvas to an array of pixels. Parameters to getImageData() include the upper left corner, 0,0, width and height, nDim,nDim. Image data returned represents a square starting at the corner (0,0), with width and height of (nDim, nDim).

This tutorial filters the entire image, however developers can filter just sections of an image. Change the upper left corner, width, or height coordinates. The following listing saves an array of pixels which cover the entire image.

var aPixels = context.getImageData(

The actual array of data is saved to property aPixels.data. Every four values represent one pixel. The first value represents the red channel. The second value represents the blue channel. The third value represents the green channel. The fourth value represents the alpha channel. Save a reference to the array as follows.

var data = aPixels.data;

JavaScript iterates over every pixel, changing each channel except the alpha channel. Method getImageData() retrieves four channels, including alpha.

The default value for the alpha channel equals 1.0, opaque, or not transparent. This tutorial does not change the alpha channel, however consider modifying the alpha value for some fascinating effects.

As JavaScript iterates over the array of pixels, each channel, except the alpha channel, receives the value zero. Zero represents black. However before assigning zero to every hue, save the color channel we're keeping for the filter.

A for loop iterates over every pixel in the array named, data. The for loop skips every four entries, representing red, green, blue, and alpha values. The following line causes variable i to process from 0,4,8... to data.length.

for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i += 4){...}

Within the for loop, first save the channel we want to keep. Remember the HTML buttons pass parameter n as zero for red, one for green, and two for blue. The following line saves the value of one pixel's color channel. Variable i represents the current pixel. Variable n represents the color channel we're currently keeping.

intSave = data[i+n];

Second assign zero, or black, to the red, green, and blue channels, within the for loop, as follows.

// Red Component
 data[i] = 0;
// Green component
 data[i + 1] = 0; 
// Blue component
 data[i + 2] = 0;

Third reassign the saved color channel as follows.

data [i + n] = intSave;

Outside of the for loop, copy the modified pixels back to our image as follows.


See the entire image filter drawFilter() function.


This short tutorial explained how to implement an image filter with HTML5. You learned to filter out every color except red, green, or blue. Select the Red button to see just the red channel. Select the Blue button to see just the blue channel. Select the Green button to see just the green channel.

The example and tutorial included simple responsive Web design. The image, drawn to the canvas, resizes based on style sheets, loaded with media queries, when the user resizes a browser window or rotates a mobile device. The style sheets and queries aren't described here. However JavaScript function resizeHandler() saves new image dimensions for use in the filtering source code.

Use the source code as it is or consider many unique and creative possibilities with color filtering. Filter portions of different channels, filter the alpha channel, modify channels with algorithms for awesome and unique special effects.

See the image filter source code.

Web Development Company

Seven Thunder Software's Web programming skills include HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, WebGL, GLSL and some PHP with MySQL and Python 3. Web design skills include Web graphics with Photoshop, animation with After Effects and 3ds Max.

Website developers, Website developer, freelance Web developer, webdev, create a Website, Web creator, developer Website, new Website design, Webpage development, Website development company, Web development, Web projects, design a Website, html 5, Web GL, js, JavaScript code, JavaScripts, JavaScript program, css,

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