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JavaScript: Browser Integration DOM

Page 10

Browser Integration DOM

Introduction Access HTML Elements Access Node Lists HTMLCollection Versus NodeList HTML Properties Change HTML Content DOM Event Handlers Event Handler Menus: Context, Select Animation Events Miscellaneous Events DOM Navigation DOM Nodes Summary


JavaScript browser integration combines HTML Web page elements with JavaScript programming. Web page elements display to the Web browser window. JavaScript programming reacts to, or modifies, Web page elements dynamically. In other words, JavaScript browser integration allows JavaScript to interact with HTML markup.

Learn Document Object Model(DOM) methods and properties on this page, including many techniques to access HTML elements, HTML collections and node lists. Learn to add and remove event handlers including animation events and context menu events. Traverse with DOM navigation and nodes. Learn to modify, or add, elements, text and styles.

Browser Integration

Developers may use both the Browser Object Model (BOM) and the Document Object Model (DOM). BOM doesn't include standardized features, however most browsers apply similar BOM properties and methods. Learn about the BOM, on the previous page. Learn about the DOM here.


The Document Object Model (DOM), is a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standard. That means we can expect all compliant browsers to maintain DOM features.

With the DOM, JavaScript developers can modify, delete, add and respond to all HTML elements and attributes on a Web page. The DOM also allows programmers to modify CSS styles of elements on the page.

The DOM includes HTML elements, properties, methods and event handlers.

Access HTML Elements

JavaScript developers can access HTML elements by identifier, tag name, class name, anchors, body, embeds, forms and images. These lists are also called HTML collections. Their type is an HTMLCollection not an array. Yet you may use the property, length, to iterate over the collection, similar to an array. Just remember an HTMLCollection contains HTML elements with many DOM features.

Access HTML Element by ID

let e = document.getElementById(

Access HTML Elements By Tag Type

eTags = document.getElementsByTagName(

Access HTML Elements By Class

eClass = document.getElementsByClassName(

b = document.getElementsByClassName(


Access By Other Tags

Access HTML elements with other tags as well, such as document.anchors, document.body, document.embeds, document.forms and document.images.

Access Anchor & Area Tags

Obtain all anchor tags and area tags with document.links property.

Tap a Box: Access HTML Elements

The Access By Class Name box, obtains all elements by the class name box. The inner HTML of each box is then copied to the Access By Class Name box.

The box I'm using to display returned values, has a class name of bx, instead of box. Otherwise there's a problem where JavaScript writes the inner HTML of each box, including the Access By Class Name box.

This would happen after JavaScript has already copied the inner HTML of previous boxes to the Access By Class Name box. Therefore you'd end up with copies of the inner HTML from each box.

Does that make sense to you? I hope so. Code would repeat the text of previous boxes, while copying the text of the Access By Class Name box.

See function getByClassName() in JavaScript file, access.js.

Access By ID

function getByID(id){

let byID = document.getElementById(

let s =  "JavaScript accesses this box by ID.";

byID.innerHTML = s;

Access By Tag Type H3

function getByTag(){
let byTag = document.getElementById(

let aH3 = document.getElementsByTagName(

let j = aH3.length;

byTag.innerHTML = "";

for (i = 0; i < j; i++){
byTag.innerHTML += aH3[i].innerHTML+"<br><br>";

Access By Class Name

function getByClassName(){
let byClass =  document.getElementById(

let aBoxes = document.getElementsByClassName(

let j = aBoxes.length;
byClass.innerHTML = "Boxes On This Page:<br>";

for (i = 0; i < j; i++){

byClass.innerHTML += aBoxes[i].innerHTML+"<br><br>";


Access By Images

function getByImage(){
let byImg = document.getElementById(

let aImages = document.images;
let j = aImages.length;
byImg.innerHTML = "";

for (i = 0; i < j; i++){

byImg.innerHTML += aImages[i].src+"<br><br>";


Access All Scripts

Obtain all page scripts with document.scripts.

Access Node Lists

The querySelectorAll() method returns a NodeList. Node lists are quite different than HTML collections.

let b = document.querySelectorAll(

HTMLCollection Versus NodeList


Both HTMLCollection and NodeList have a length property. You can iterate over either type. You can access elements by index number.


Elements in an HTMLCollection can be accessed by name or ID. Elements in a NodeList cannot.

Elements in an NodeList can include attribute and text nodes. Elements in an HTMLCollection cannot.

Tap a Box

See the source code for getByScript() and getByQuery(), access.js.

Access By Scripts

function getByScript(){
let byScript =  document.getElementById(

let aScripts = document.scripts;
let j = aScripts.length;
let i = 0;
byScript.innerHTML = "Scripts For This Page:<br>";

for (i = 0; i < j; i++){

byScript.innerHTML += aScripts[i].src+"<br><br>";


Access By Query Selector

function getByQuery(){
let byQuery =  document.getElementById(

let aSpans = document.querySelectorAll(

let j = aSpans.length;
let i = 0;

let s = "Query Selector, img.toc. See span.img.src:<br>;
byQuery.innerHTML = s;

for (i = 0; i < j; i++){

byQuery.innerHTML += aSpans[i].src+"<br><br>";


HTML Properties

The HTML DOM includes the following independent properties. See the Change Page Title box below, for one example. Access other properties with similar techniques.


Change HTML Content

Change the content of individual HTML elements with the innerHTML property, as follows.

e.innerHTML = "Changed Element Content";

If the HTML element is an input type, then change the content as follows.

e.value = "Changed Input Content";

Change HTML Attribute

The following examples also allow you to assign values to attributes, referenced in the BOM section on the previous page.

e.attribute = "new value"

Alternatively change the attribute's value as follows.


The following code obtains an image, by ID, then change's the image's src value to display a different image.

im = document.getElementById(


Alternatively change the image's src as follows.

Tap Boxes: Change Attribute, Title
Solid Color
function changeSrc(){

let byAtt = document.getElementById(


Change Page Title

function changeTitle(id){
let byTitle = document.getElementById(

let t = "Changed Title";

let s = "<p>Document Title Changed to<br><q>" +t+"</q></p>";

byTitle.innerHTML = s;



Change HTML Style Property

e.style.property = "new style"
Tap Boxes: Change Style Property, Create Append Element

Change Style Property

function changeStyleProp(id){

let st = document.getElementById(

s = "red";

st.style.backgroundColor = s;


Create Element

function changeEl(id){
let chEl = document.getElementById(

let p = document.createElement(

let s = "New element appended and created.";


p.innerHTML = s;


Delete HTML Element


Replace HTML Element

document.replaceChild(eSrc, eDest)

Output Text to HTML Document

document.write("Hello World")

DOM Event Handlers

Event handlers respond to page and user response, such as clicking a button or swiping an image. The DOM includes a wide array of event handlers.

Assign an event listener with addEventListener(...) or within the HTML element itself, such as the following:

<p onclick="myClickFunction()">

Remove an event listener with removeEventListener(...) or assign null to the name of the event listener.

Bubbles or Capture

The addEventListener(...) method's last parameter represents capturing. When assigned the default, false, then events are handled with bubbling. When assigned, true, then events are handled with capturing.

Bubbling allows inner event listeners to handle an event before outer event listeners. Capturing allows outer event listeners to handle an event before inner event listeners.

As you can see with the following test, sometimes inner event handlers don't activate with captures. The outer capD element activates whether you tap the outer capD or the inner capP, paragraph element. You can see the JavaScript: Capture Versus Bubble code below, or the entire JavaScript file, events.js.


Tap bubD for Bubbles.

Tap Paragraph bubP for Bubbles.

Tap capD for Captures.

Tap Paragraph capP for Captures.

JavaScript: Capture Versus Bubble

* Access a set of elements from this
* web page.
* The first set receive default bubbling
* onclick event handlers.
* The second set receive capturing
* onclick event handlers.
function assignBubbles(){
let bubD = document.getElementById(

let bubP = document.getElementById(



let capD = document.getElementById(

let capP = document.getElementById(



bubOuput = document.getElementById(

* Activate when an element
* is clicked.
* @param e: Event handler.
* The currentTarget is the activated
* HTML element. The id equals 
* bubD,bubP,capD,capP representing
* bubbling and capturing outer DIV
* elements and inner paragraph elements.
function clickedBC(e){
let cTarget = e.currentTarget;
let id = e.currentTarget.id;
let s= "You clicked me."+cTarget+","+id";
bubOutput.innerHTML += s; 

DOM Event Handlers: Previously Covered

See previous Event Attributes examples with code, in the HTML Elements set of tutorials. Previous examples implement the following DOM event handlers, onafterprint(), onbeforeprint, onbeforeunload(), onload(), ontouchcancel, ontouchstart(), ontouchend(), onblur(), onfocus(), oninput(), oninvalid(), onselect(), onsubmit(), onclick(), ondblclick(), onmousedown(), onmousemove(), onmouseout(), onmouseover(), onmouseup(), onwheel(), ondrag(), ondragend(), ondragenter(), ondragleave(), ondragover(), ondragstrt(), ondrop(), onscroll(), oncopy(), oncut(), onpaste(), oncanplay(), oncanplaythrough(), onemptied(), onended(), onerror(), onloadeddata(), onloadedmetadata(), onpause(), onplay(), onplaying(), onprogress(), onseeked(), onseeking(), onsuspend(), ontimeupdate(), onvolumechange() and ontoggle(),

DOM Event Handlers: This Page

This section provides examples and source code for the following event handlers, change(), contextmenu(), animationend(), animationinteration(), animationstart(), fullscreenchange(), fullscreenerror(), hashchange(), keydown(), keypress(), keyup(), message(), offline(), online(), pagehide(), pageshow(), popstate(), ratechange(), reset(), search(), show(), stalled(), timeupdate(), transitionend(), and waiting().

Event Handler Menus: Context, Select

Tap a Box: Context Menu, Select Option

Read code below, or load the JavaScript file, events.js.

Hide or show context menu. Right click or long click.

function getSelectOption(n) { 
let id = document.getElementById(

var s = id.value; 

var ps = document.getElementById(

ps.innerHTML = "You Selected: " +s;

Code for Context Menu

The following few sections include the HTML markup, JavaScript and CSS rule sets for the menu example.

HTML Markup: Context Menu

When the Web body loads, create the menu. Also assign oncontextmenu="return false;", which prevents the default context menu from displaying.

Then create an element, in this case it's a div. Assign oncontextmenu="menuActivate()". See function menuActivate(), declared with JavaScript, below. Assign the ID of the menu. In this case JavaScript gives the menu an ID of m.

I added a paragraph for displaying information during debugging, with an ID of pSD. The element containing the context menu has an id of boxSD.

oncontextmenu="return false;"


class="box bu" 

>Click the button then right click to see the menu.

JavaScript: Context Menu

Create the menu, once when the Web body loads, with function makeMenu(). Whenever the user right clicks, or long clicks, the box call menuActivate() which executes menuShowHide(), passing variable dShow, as its ownly parameter.

Alternate values for dShow. When dShow == 'block', the menu displays. When dShow == 'none' the menu hides.

// Variables for the
// menu box, menu and menu items.
var boxSD, pSD = null;
var menu = menuItem0 =  null;
var menuItem1 = menuItem2 = null;

// Alternates between
// 'none' and 'block'.
var dShow = 'none';

When the Web page body
loads, create the menu.

No parameters.
function makeMenu(){
boxSD = document.getElementById(

pSD = document.getElementById(

menu = document.createElement(

menu.type = 'context';

menuItem1 = document.createElement(
let s1 = "<a href='javascript10.php'>Reload</a>";
menuItem1.innerHTML = s1;

menuItem2 =document.createElement(
let s2 = "<a href='mailto:Support@7Thunders.biz'>Send Email</a>";
menuItem2.innerHTML = s2;



Called when the user
right clicks on the div box.
No parameters.
function menuActivate(){

Show and hide the menu
and menu items based no 
@param d: 'block' or 'none'
function menuShowHide(d){
menu.style.display =  menuItem1.style.display = d;
menuItem2.style.display = d;

if(d == 'block')d = 'none';
else d = 'block';

// Save the last display option:
dShow = d;

Context Menu: Styles

I added some simple rule-sets to style the anchors in the menu item without underlines.


border:solid 1px white;

menuItem a, menuItem a:link, 
menuItem a:visited,
menuItem a:hover, menuItem a:active

Option Menu: HTML Markup

This section displays the HTML markup for the simple option menu.

For JavaScript, see either the full JavaScript file, events.js, or the Select Option box, above.


Prairie Dogs</option>

Prairie Dogs</option>


Moutain Lions</option>


<p id="ps"></p>

Not Supported or Useful

The onopen() event handler's only defined for image elements and currently supported on few browsers. The onabort event handler's not recommended.

The durationchange and onloadstart events apply to audio and video elements only, with minimal uses. The duration changes from NaN to the length of the media, once only, after the media loads.

The focusin and focusout event listeners don't activate in all browsers.

Animation Events

The Tap Starts Animation box demonstrates CSS3 animation with JavaScript animationstart, animationend and animationiteration event handlers.

Tap the box and the animation starts. For each iteration of the animation, a count increments and displays. Animation Ended displays when the animation completes. See below for JavaScript: Animation Events source code. See the CSS3 Animation, below. Most of all see the interactive box titled, Tap Starts Animation.

Tap for Examples

Tap Starts Animation

Tap for Message

CSS3 Animation

The following rule-sets declare animated colors which iterate four times. You may also see the style sheet itself, anim.css.

animation:tAnim 3s 4;
-webkit-animation:tAnim 3s 4;
animation-fill-mode: forwards; 

@keyframes tAnim
0% {
20% {
40% {
60% {
80% {
100% {

JavaScript: Animation Events

* Tap the 
* "Tap Starts Animation" box
* to activate animStart().
function animStart(){
if (anim == null){

anim = document.getElementById(

// Assign our box element class
// and the animaton CSS3 class.
anim.className = "box tanim";

// Activates when 
// CSS animation starts:


// Activates when 
// CSS animation ends:


// Activates when CSS animation
// begins to rerun sequence:


* Activates when our CSS3
* animation begins.
function animStarted(){
nCount = 1;
anim.innerHTML = "Animation Started";

* Activates when our CSS3
* animation ends.
function animEnd(){
anim.innerHTML = "Animation Ended";

* Activates for each complete
* cycle of our CSS3 defined 
* animation.
* Displays which cycle we're on.
function animIterate(){
let s = "Animation Iterated: " + nCount;
anim.innerHTML = s;

Miscellaneous Events

Some miscellaneous events include server side events (SSE) and pop states


Click the Tap for Message box, above. A server side event (SSE) should respond. However I believe shared server settings with HostGator currently cause some issues. Shared server hosting usually allows one way, outward connections. Therefore perhaps I need to find the solution.

You'll probably see the message EventSource failed.. See the source code for SSE PHP. See output from the PHP file itself.

Pop States

See below for JavaScript: PopState source code. Also select the Tap to enable PopState box, then leave the page or change your browsing history.

Tap to enable PopState

Tap to disable PopState

JavaScript: PopState

 * Activated with back button,
 * and navigation events.
function assignPopState(){
window.onpopstate = getPopState;

* Remove the pop state event
* handler. You won't see an
* alert box when you leave
* the page.
function removePopState(){
window.onpopstate = null;

 * Must use alert box
 * if navigating away from window.
 * Otherwise users won't see 
 * the message.
 * @param e: Event object
function getPopState(e){
alert("Pop State: "+e.toString());


The following PHP should display the server's time. See the SSE PHP yourself.

header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
header('Cache-Control: no-cache');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://code.7thunders.biz');

$time = date('r');
echo "data: The server time is: {$time}\n\n";

DOM Event Properties

See Event Elements:: CSS3 Animation for code, with a different use for the animPlayState property. See commonly accessed event properties, with event handlers, in the source code applied to this page in JavaScript file, events.js. Also document.readyState allows developers to determine if an HTML page is still loading, some features are available or its completed loading.

DOM Navigation

DOM navigation consists of three types of nodes. The types include document, element and text. Attribute nodes are deprecated. The document node is the root, or top, element for the HTML DOM. Consider the DOM like an upside down tree, with the root at the top. All other nodes are like leaves on branches. However a leaf can have only one parent. A parent can have multiple children. Therefore leaves can have a number of siblings.

You've already seen how to access nodes by ID. You can also access multiple childNodes. You can access each childNode's value with the nodeValue property, if it exists.

Tap either box below. Each box navigates the node tree. Notice that not every node has a nodeValue, yet it might have innerHTML values, if it's a text node.


function getChildNode( idoutput, idinput, n ) { let eout = document.getElementById( idoutput ); let ein = document.getElementById( idinput ); let c = ein.childNodes[n]; if(c.nodeValue != null){ eout.innerHTML = c.nodeValue; } else if(c.innerHTML != null){ eout.innerHTML = c.innerHTML; } }


function getChildNode(

let eout = document.getElementById(

let ein  = document.getElementById(

let c = ein.childNodes[n];

if(c.nodeValue != null){
eout.innerHTML = c.nodeValue;	

else if(c.innerHTML != null){
eout.innerHTML = c.innerHTML;		



Nodes have three properties nodeType, nodeName and nodeValue.

Not all nodes have a nodeValue. You've already seen how to use nodeValue, when it exists.

Values of nodeType include text, elements, comments, documents, document types and the deprecated attribute.

The nodeName property represents an HTML tag name, such as P or DIV.


You can travel through an HTML document tree with nodes. Property parentNode allows you to travel up a tree. Properties childNodes, lastChild and firstChild allow you to travel down, or up, a tree. Properties nextSibling and previousSibling allow you to travel laterally amongst equal level leaves on a tree. You can also count childNodes in arrays and visit every leaf on a tree. Consider recursion for efficient node traversal.

DOM Nodes

Easily create HTML elements and add elements to other elements, or the document itself, with JavaScript.

Create HTML Element

The following code creates a new paragraph, including the opening and closing tags.

let p = document.createElement('p')

Add Text

The following line creates a text node.

let s = 'Add some text.';

let n = document.createTextNode(

Append HTML Element

Don't forget to add the text to your paragraph, then add the paragraph to your document, as follows.



Tap to add a paragraph.
Tap to add a list.

JavaScript: Create,Append Elements

* Create a paragraph
* @param:sText string for 
* paragraph content.
* @return: return the paragraph.
function addPH(sText){
let p = document.createElement(

let n = document.createTextNode(


return p;

* Create a list with list items.
* @param:a,b,c strings for list items.
* @return: return the list.
function addList(a,b,c){
let o = document.createElement(

let l1 = document.createElement(
let l2 = document.createElement(
let l3 = document.createElement(

let a1 = document.createTextNode(

let b2 = document.createTextNode(

let c3 = document.createTextNode(




return o;


JavaScript browser integration combines HTML Web page elements with JavaScript programming. Web page elements display to the Web browser window. JavaScript programming reacts to, or modifies, Web page elements dynamically. In other words, JavaScript browser integration allows JavaScript to interact with HTML markup.

You learned Document Object Model(DOM) methods and properties on this page, including many techniques to access HTML elements, HTML collections and node lists. You learned to add and remove event handlers including animation events and context menu events. You can traverse an HTML page with DOM navigation and nodes. You learned to modify, or add, elements, text and styles.

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript's the foundation of Web developer and Website design skills. This free and unique JavaScript tutorial includes some new or seldom used, but useful features.

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