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JavaScript: Regular Expressions

Page 23


Introduction Modifiers Groups Quantifiers Special Characters Special Characters: Match Special Characters: Search ECMAScript 2018 New Features JavaScript Source Code


Learn to apply searches and matches with forty JavaScript features for regular expressions. When complete, try mixing and matching features and functionality to harness the power of regular expressions.

Enjoy this comprehensive short tutorial, with working examples of JavaScript's RegEx modifiers, groups, quantifiers, metadata, matching and searching.


This page covers regular expressions as originally implemented with ECMAScript 3 and additions to RegExp with ECMAScript 2018.

RegExp abbreviates Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions apply patterns of characters to search and replace text. A RegEx Object includes a pattern with properties and methods.

This tutorial covers methods match() and search(). RegEx also processes with methods matchAll(), replace(), replaceAll(), split() and String methods. Be sure to try them!



See the following three modifiers, g, i and m, in various examples on this page.

Modifier - g: Global

g means search for all matches.

Modifier - i: Ignore Case

i means ignore case.

Modifier - m: Multiple Lines

m means search multiple lines.

Modifier - u: Unicode Characters

u means search string including Unicode properties.

Modifier - s: Display NewLine in Dot Searches

s displays new line characters, between two characters when aplied to the dot search. For example, m.n.


RegEx groups allow developers to combine sets of searches with brackets, brackets and caret, or parenthesis and pipe.


Brackets such as [abc], look for any of the characters between brackets. You can substitute abc with other individual characters, digits, punctuation or symbols.

In the following case, look for characters a, b or c. The results would Not include capital letters between A and Z, punctuation, symbols and digits.


Brackets with Range

You might also search for a range of elements. For example [A-Z], returns only capital letters from a given string. The group, [0-9] returns only digits.

Brackets with Caret

Apply the caret symbol, ^ to search for everything except the elements within brackets. The caret symbol ^ indicates NOT.

The following query looks for only characters, symbols or punctuation, and not digits.


The folowing query also looks for any characters that do not appear within the brackets. In this case look for characters d - z, A - Z, 0 - 9.


Parenthesis and Pipe

The pipe symbol, | represents a logical or. In this case. (x|y) tells RegEx to search for either x OR y.

List of Group Symbols

Group Examples

Group - [abc],[^abc]

Group a,b,c with global modifier g.

let p = /[abc]/g;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);

Find just characters a, b and c.

Group NOT a, b, c with global modifier g.

let p = /[^abc]/g;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);

Find everything but a, b and c.

Group - (x|y), With & Without Modifier i.

Group with method match() displays just e or m. The word Mushroom is capitalized, without the modifier, i, the letter M should not return from this search.

let p = /(m|c)/g;
let s = "Mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);

Find every m or c.

Group with method match() displays just e or m. The word Mushroom is capitalized, with the modifier, i, the letter M should return from this search.

let p = /(m|c)/gi;
let s = "Mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);

Find every m or c, including capital letters.

Group - [0-9],[^0-9]

Return just digits.

let p = /[0-9]/g;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);

Return all but digits.

let p = /[^0-9]/g;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);


List of Quantifiers

Quantifiers - * +

* - Find go followed by zero or more o characters per word.

let p = /go*/g;
let s = "mushroom gourmet good ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.match(p);

+ - Find index, or position, of last ea. Method seaarch() returns the indices only.

let p = /ea+/;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99";
let r = s.search(p);

Quantifiers - ?,{n}

? - All occurrences of g followed by zero or more os.

let p = /go?/g;
let s = "great go gourment goods.";
let r = s.match(p);

{n} - Find sequence of n digits or characters.

let pattern = /\d{2}/g;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99. 
+ Mint icecream 1.99. 
+ Chocolate ice cream $1000.00";
let r = s.match(p);

\d indicates searching for digits. See every sequence of two digits:

Quantifiers - {n,m},{n,}

{n,m}- Search for sequence of n to m (3 - 4 here) word characters (non digit).

let p = /D{3,4}/g;
let s = "gourmet goods, goodies, yipeee!";
let r = s.match(p);

Notice commas, eclamations points are considered non digits then returned with sequences s, g and es,, and yipe and ee!. However SPACES are not considered non digit values. SPACES are ignored in es,, which is really es,SPACE,,

{n,} - Find sequence of at least n characters or digits.

let pattern = /\w{8,}/gm;
let s = "mushroom gourmet ice cream 29.99.";
+ "Mint icecream 1.99. ";
+ "Chocolate ice cream $1000.00";
let r = s.match(p);

\w word characters with 8 or more characters. Include Multiline with the modifier m.

Quantifiers - $, Sets within Parenthesis ([set]|[set])

{n,} - Find sequence at end of text. Finds last sequence regardless of /g global flag.

let pattern = /cream$/g; 
let s = "mushroom ice cream cream"; 
let r = s.match(p);

The sought term must have NO OTHER characters at the end of the string. Not even a period. Sought term must be absolute last set of elements.

([a-z]|[1-2]) Return all lower case letters and digits 1 through 2.

let pattern = /([a-z]|[1-2])/g; 
let s = "mushroom ice cream $2.99"; 
let r = s.match(p);

Quantifier - ^

We've already seen ^ applied within brackets. Here let's look at ^ in other contexts. In brackets RegEx searches for terms NOT matching the values in brackets. In between forward slashes RegEx searches for terms AT THE START of the given string.

^ finds values at the start of a given string. $ finds values at the end of a given string.

^ - Find the substring, mush if it starts the string, with method match().

let pattern = /^mush/g;
let s = "mushroom ice cream cream 29.99."; 
let r = s.match(p);

^ - Return 0 if mush starts a string. Return -1 if mush doesn't start a string, with method search().

let pattern = /^mush/g;
let s = "ice cream mushroom only 29.99."; 
let r = s.search(p);

Quantifiers - ?!, ?=

?= - Search for word A, followed by word B: /A(?=B)

let pattern  = /ice(?= cream)/gm;
let s = "Mushroom ice cream, "+
"Chocolate ice cream," +
"Lime ice sorbet.";
let r = s.match(p);

Return just those instances of ice where its followed by cream. However apply multiple line searches with modifier m.

?! - Search for word A, when NOT followed by word B: /A(?=B)

let pattern  = /ice(?! cream)/g;
let s = "Mushroom ice cream, "+
"Chocolate ice cream," +
"Lime ice sorbet.";
let r = s.match(p);

Return just those instances of ice where its not followed by cream. Use modifier m for multiple line searches, again.

Special Characters (Metacharacters)

Special characters, also called Metacharacters, apply specific restrictions to search queries. Tap a box, below, to execute code for each metacharacter. The JavaScript file behind each box, regex.js.

List of Special Characters (Metacharacters)

Special Characters: Match

Find the alpha numeric match, of a search term. Call the method match(). Tap a box!

Also see regex.js function fRegex() for details.

Metacharacters - m.n,\uxxxx

Dot: Replace one character.

let p = /m.n/g;
let s = "mint mond";
let r = s.match(p);

Returns m, n, and any character between m, n, including m and n.

Find character by Hex value.

let p = /\u006D/g; //6D represents 'm'.
let s = "mint mond";
let r = s.match(p);

Returns each instance of the character m.

Metacharacters - \w, \W

Word characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 plus underscore:

let p = /\w/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

Not Word Characters:

let p = /\W/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

Commas indicate both $, space and . (decimal point), are not considered words.

Metacharacters - \d, \D

Find Digits:

let p = /\d/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

Find NON Digits:

let p = /\D/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

Metacharacters - \s,\S

Find whitespace

let p = /\s/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

This example displays the word whitespace, for each individual empty space.

Find not whitespace

let p = /\S/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

Returns each character with a comma separated list. Doesn't return spaces.

Metacharacters - \b,\B

Word which starts with ja.

let p = /\bja/g;
let s = "andrew james jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

Word with son, where son does not start the word.

let p = /\Bson/g;
let s = "andrew jackson killed a Bison.";
let r = s.match(p);

Metacharacters - \0,\n

Search for NULL

let p = /\0/g;
let s = Where O Death is thy \0Sting?";
let r = s.search(p);

Search for \n newline.

let p = /\n/g;
let s = "Don't \ntalk politics.";
let r = s.search(p);

Metacharacters - \f,\r

Search form feed \f.

let p =  /\f/;
let s = "never hurt \fanyone.";
let r = s.match(p);

Search carriage return \r

let p = /\r/g;
let s = "abcdefghijklm\rnopqrstuvwxyz";
let r = s.match(p);

Metacharacters - \t,\v

let p = /\t/g;
let s = "Learn Programming\t7Thunders.biz.";
let r = s.match(p);

Vertical Tab

let p = /\v/g;
let s = "Learn to Code\v7Thunders.biz."
let r = s.match(p);

Metacharacters - \xxx,\xdd

Search for hex number B = x42

let p = /\x42/g;
let s = "Andrew Jackson nursed a Bison.";
let r = s.match(p);

Search for octal number B = 102

let p = /\102/g;
let s = "Andrew Jackson nursed a Bison.";
let r = s.match(p);

Special Characters: Search

Find the index, or position, of a search term. Call the method search(). Tap a box!

Apply modifiers, groups, quantifiers and special characters with the search() method, as you would with the match() method, as demonstrated above.

Method match() returns substring matches. Method search() returns the starting index of substring matches.

Find some examples, below. Also see regex.js function fRegexSearch() for details.

Match - \B and -b

First occurrence of word, but not at start of a word.

let p = /\Bdr/;
let s = "andrew drake jackson $20.00";
let r = s.search(p);

Last occurrence of a word

let p = /\bdr/;
let s = "andrew drake jackson $20.00";
let r = s.search(p);

ECMAScript 2018 New Features

Learn about four new features from ECMAScript 2018. The new features include unicode property escapes with (\p{...}), lookbehind assertions with (?<= ) and (?<! ), as well as the dotAll flag.

DotAll Flag

You saw the Metacharacters - m.n,\uxxxx explanation and examples previously. The single dot returns every substring with matching characters on either side of the dot. The dot itself represents almost any string element.

dotAll Flag with match()

The dotAll Flag, s, allows developers to display all textual content, even invisible content, which include elements surrounding the dot metacharacter.

With the match() method, the s dotAll flag allows the dot to match line terminators, between elements.


The RegEx dotAll property allows developers to determine whether or not invisible newline elements separate dot parameters.

Check the RegEx dotAll property, to determine if a newline character exists between any dot RegEx strings.

Unicode Property Escapes

Unicode property escapes helpfully match emojis, punctuations, letters and characters from specific languages or scripts.

Emoji, Punctuation, Language Elements

Appy RegEx to search for a very wide range of emoji. Look online for many different properties including emoji, punctuation, and elements from various languages. The list below displays a few.

Emoji Short List

Look Behind Assertions (?<= ), (?<! )

First occurrence of word, but not at start of a word.

let p = /\Bdr/;
let s = "andrew drake jackson $20.00";
let r = s.search(p);

Last occurrence of a word

let p = /\bdr/;
let s = "andrew drake jackson $20.00";
let r = s.search(p);

Unicode Escapes, Emoji

Return just the emoji. A smile with heart-eyes represents the {Emoji_Presentation} in this case.

// Search for emoji.
let p = /\p{Emoji_Presentation}/gu;
let s ="I feel 😍";
let r = s.match(p);

Unicode property escapes require the modifier, u. Substitute a wide range of Emoji.

Return just the emoji. A rainbow represents the {Emoji_Presentation} in this case.

// Search for emoji.
let p = /\p{Emoji_Presentation}/gu;
let s ="It is on the way 🌈";
let r = s.match(p);

Unicode property escapes require the modifier, u. Substitute a wide range of Emoji.

DotAll Flag = s

Returns true with the dotAll flag.

let reg = "monday mint ice cream m/nn./s";
let r = reg.dotAll;

Returns false without the dotAll flag.

let reg = /monday mint ice cream mnn.;
let r = reg.dotAll;

The DotAll flag, s returns the m\nn dot substring. The newline character's between the m and the n.

let s = "monday mint ice cream m\nn.";
let reg = /m.n/gs;
let r = s.match(reg);

Given string includes a newline character \n. With the modifier s, at the end of the RegEx expression, we will see the last three character combination of m,unknown character,n.

No DotAll flag, s, does not return the m\nn dot substring, with the newline character.

let s = "monday mint ice cream m\nn.";
let reg = /m.n/g;
let r = s.match(reg);

Given string includes a newline character \n. Without the modifier s, at the end of the RegEx expression, we won't see the last three character combination of m,unknown character,n.

JavaScript Source Code

See the functions applied to this page in JavaScript file, regex.js.

Most colored boxes, on this page simply call fRegex(sId,s,reg) or fRegexSearch(sId,s,reg), with parameters sId, s and reg.

Parameter sId is an identifier to an HTML element on this page. Parameter s is a string for RegEx to process. Parameter reg is a JavaScript formated regular expression.

HTML Example

The following markup demonstrates a typical example on this page. A teal colored box executes function fRegex(), when you tap the box.

Function fRegex() parameters include the ID of an HTML element within the box, a string to process, and a regular expression. The same format was applied for each example. Colors and search parameters were changed to highlight various RegEx features.

The pre element shows you which string and which regular expression will process. See JavaScript file, regex.js for three functions applied to examples on this page.

class="teal box" 
'andrew jackson $20.00',

Find Digits:

let p = /\d/g;
let s = "andrew jackson $20.00";
let r = s.match(p);

<p id="idL"></p>



You learned to apply searches and matches with forty JavaScript features for regular expressions. Now try mixing and matching features and functionality to harness the power of regular expressions.

I hope you enjoyed this comprehensive short tutorial, with working examples of JavaScript's RegEx modifiers, groups, quantifiers, metadata, matching and searching.


This page covered regular expressions as originally implemented with ECMAScript 3 and additions to RegExp with ECMAScript 2018.

RegExp abbreviates Regular Expressions. Regular Expressions apply patterns of characters to search and replace text. A RegEx Object includes a pattern with properties and methods.

This tutorial covered methods match() and search(). RegEx also includes methods matchAll(), replace(), replaceAll(), split() and String methods. Be sure to try them!

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript's the foundation of Web developer and Website design skills. This free and unique JavaScript tutorial includes some new or seldom used, but useful features.

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