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JavaScript: Asynchronous Iteration

Page 24

Asynchronous Iteration

Introduction Asynchronous Versus Synchronous PHP JSON File fetch API Simple Generators Asynchronous Iteration Summary


This page provides interactive examples and code, demonstrating asynchronous iteration implemented with ECMAScript 2018. The examples build from fairly simple to more involved, throughout the tutorial.

Simple fetch

Start with the simple fetch API. Anonymous method fetch.then((response) =>, activates after the fetched file downloads. Within the then() method, this example displays the response status and JSON text, to an HTML element.

Next wrap similar code in an AsyncGenerator function. Call the function, then display the parsed JSON file along with an image. The image source string downloads with the JSON file. Keywords async and await cause the JSON file to download on a background thread.

Simple Generators, Iterators

Next we'll implement one simple Generator function, while demonstrating two applications of that function. Generator functions return a value after the yield keyword. Generator functions also maintain state. Built-in code remembers which yield value was returned last.

Call generator functions with a few different techniques. The first function call simply retrieves incremental values from yield with the next() method, each time you tap a button. The second generator function iterates with a for loop, using the function's sychronous iterator.

Asynchronous Iterators

Last we'll combine the fetch API with keywords async and wait on a background thread. Asynchronous generators yield properties in response to next() method calls, similar to synchronous generators. However each call to next() should process on a background thread.

The two examples in this tutorial demonstrate two new techniques. The first example displays all data after waiting for a file to download. The second example calls the asynchronous function within a for loop.

Asychronous Downloads

The previous Asynchronous Downloads page in this tutorial, explained how to download XML files asynchronously with XMLHttpRequest. However that project stressed simulated threading. The new Promise object with fetch API may bring real multi threading to JavaScript.

According to Mozilla tutorials, Promise with async and await may actually operate on a separate thread. As far as I know, JavaScript doesn't actually process on more than one thread. However, that topic should be tested now.

Asynchronous Versus Synchronous


Historically JavaScript operates on one thread. One thread means that all function, method and other JavaScript calls happen in a sequence. If one method takes a long time to complete, then the next coding steps must wait.

In the past, asynchronous JavaScript simply appeared to operate on separate threads. For example, a long running method might operate for a slice of time, let the user click buttons, then return to waiting while the long running method continues processing. Such code appears as if the long running method's allowing user interface responsivness however you'll have to wait for a response to button clicks.


Asynchronous processing allows two or more different operations to process at the same time. Most operating systems include multiple processors. When developers apply asychronous processing some methods, or long running functions, might run on one thread, while user interface features run on another thread. Two or more tasks can happen simultaneously which often allows for a more user friendly, responsive application.

However multiple threaded programming requires care to avoid race conditions and dead lock.

fetch API

In the previous tutorial Asynchronous Downloads, we used the XMLHttpRequest object. Here we'll use the fetch API, which has improved upon XMLHttpRequest.


The following PHP file, javascript21b-json-simple.php implements an object with fields, name, pop, region and image. Then PHP function json_encode() prepares the fields in JSON format. Method echo simply displays our JSON file.

The PHP file's retrieved with fetch for the yellow and lavender buttons. Continue reading for details regarding how to download javascript21b-json-simple.php, with the fetch API.

$animalObj->name = "American Bison";
$animalObj->pop = 1500;
$animalObj->region = "Custer State Park, South Dakota";
$animalObj->image ="assets/bison.jpg";
$animalJSON = json_encode($animalObj);
echo $animalJSON;

Threading Example

The following code downloads PHP file javascript21b-json-simple.php, in the background. When the file's fetched, or downloaded, you'll see the response status and the JSON text in the lavender fetch button.

The fetch API activates method then() after fetch processing has completed. While fetch processes, the user interface should remain responsive, as fetch operates on a background thread. With proper threading, developers can accomplish other tasks, while waiting for then() to process.

Async, Await, Promise, Yield

See the JavaScript file async-fetch.js for implementation that applies to the yellow and violet buttons. Tap the lavender button for an example that calls method fetch.then().

Tap the yellow button for an example that activates the fetch API. Function async function* jsonFromFile(fileUrl) returns an AsyncGenerator just once with keywords yield, await and the Promise object.

However learn more about Async, Await, Yield, Promise below. The combination's much more useful with multiple calls to the same generator function.

Lavender Button Code

The following JavaScript programs the lavender button. JavaScript implements the simple fetch API with method then().

// Button one:
var eFetch = document.getElementById(

// Button two:
var eFetch2 = document.getElementById(

// Image:
var im = document.getElementById('im');

// JSON PHP file to fetch:
var fileUrl = 'https://code.7thunders.biz/h5/js/javascript21b-json-simple.php';

// String data retrieves
// from downloaded JSON file.
var sName = '';
var sPop = '';
var sRegion = '';
var imsrc = '';

 * run at startup.
const fetchPromise = fetch(

// Display just fetch object
// to first button:
eFetch.innerHTML = fetchPromise;

// Display data
// after it's received:
fetchPromise.then((response) => {
eFetch.innerHTML = "Received response text: "+response.statusText;
eFetch.innerHTML += "<br>Status code: "+response.status;
eFetch.innerHTML += "<br>JSON: "+response.json();

Async, Await, Yield, Promise

The yellow button downloads the same PHP file with JSON, javascript21b-json-simple.php. However an async function activates after you tap the yellow fetch button.

Code applies async, await and yield with the Promise object just once, as an introduction. However yield with AsyncGenerator allow developers to display more than one section of asynchronous content, in a sequence.

Read the JavaScript for simple async, await, yield and promise, below. Optionally download the JavaScript file, async-fetch.js. Continue reading for more useful examples.


Modify asynchronous functions with the async keyword. Any function which implements await must implement the async keyword. The keyword await causes async functions to wait while they process data in a background thread.

async function* jsonFromFile(fileUrl

The async keyword tells us that code will call this function, then return to accomplish other tasks. The function itself processes in the background, while the interface can respond to user interactions.


Asynchronous functions apply the await keyword to wait while processing in a separate thread. The following code waits while the browser downloads a file.

const fetchPromiseJSON = await fetch(fileUrl);

The await keyword indicates that this line, or block, of code will wait within its background thread, until it finishes processing.

In this case we're just waiting to download the PHP file described above.


The yield keyword pauses and returns a value from a generator function.

yield await Promise.resolve(fetchPromiseJSON.json());

Developers can call AsyncGenerator functions multiple times with the next() method. Each time the function executes, the next yield line returns a new value. When all yields have completed then the returned object's done property equals true.


The file async-fetch.js implements a simple example with async, await, yield and the Promise object. However Promise returns an AsyncGenerator which allows multiple threaded calls to method next(), within the same function;.

JavaScript: Await, Async, Yield Promise

JavaScript that responds to click events for the yellow button, displays below.

Function jsonFromFile() returns one yield value asynchronously. The next section explains how to return a series of yield values asynchronously. Notice the function's preceded with keyword async and the signature includes an asterisk, function*.

async function* jsonFromFile(fileUrl)

JavaScript for Yellow Button

The following JavaScript processes click events on the yellow button. JavaScript file javascript/async-fetch.js, implements the following code.

// Button one lavender:
var eFetch = document.getElementById(

// Button two yellow:
var eFetch2 = document.getElementById(

// Image:
var im = document.getElementById(

// JSON PHP file to fetch:
var fileUrl = 'https://code.7thunders.biz/h5/js/javascript21b-json-simple.php';

// Prepare variables
// to display data:
var sName = '';
var sPop = '';
var sRegion = '';
var imsrc = '';


 * run when when
 * button's tapped.
function btnFetch(){

 * wait for file
 * with fetch and await.
 * function* indicates
 * Return an AsyncGenerator.
async function* jsonFromFile(fileUrl){
const fetchPromiseJSON = await fetch(fileUrl);
// Waiting happens here 
// No need for then.

// Returns an AsyncGenerator object
// async iterable and async iterable
// protocol:
yield await Promise.resolve(fetchPromiseJSON.json());

* Asynchronously display 
* JSON properties and attributes.
async function formatJson(){

// Returns JSON name value objects:
for await (const obj of jsonFromFile(fileUrl)) {
 sName = obj['name'];
 sPop = obj['pop'];
 sRegion = obj['region'];
 sImgSrc = obj['image'];
// Display the image:
im.src = sImgSrc;

// Display the data:
eFetch2.innerHTML = "Name: "+sName+", Population:"+sPop;
eFetch2.innerHTML += ",Region:"+sRegion;

When the file's fetched, or downloaded, you'll see JSON values from JSON attributes in the yellow fetch button. You'll see an image retrieved from the image attribute of the JSON object.

Fetch Simple & PHP JSON

The lavender button automatically fetches and displays simple data from a PHP file. Tap the yellow button. JavaScript retrieves and displays data from the same PHP file, however JSON fields are parsed and image source from JSON displays in an image element below the buttons.

Wait for Auto Response Here
Tap for JSON
Image from JSON

Generator Functions

This section demonstrates simple, one threaded, generator functions.

The asterisk after the keyword function, indicates this is a Generator function. Function displayCard() returns a Generator object.

function* displayCard ()


Call method next() on the Generator object. The Generator function returns a value declared after the keyword, yield.

yield "King";

Method next()

Please notice the async generator, function* displayCard() saves to a constant as follows.

const genCards = displayCard();

Within function function displayCardNext() call the AsyncGenerator's next() method as follows. Each call retrieves the yield value from the next yield line within method function* displayCard().

var obj = genCards.next();

Tap a Button to Activate Generator Functions

Tap the blue button once for each yield value. Tap the red button once for all yield values. The red button calls Generator method next(), in a loop to display every yield value quickly.

Multiple Taps: Individual Generator Data -
Tap: Iterate All Generator Data

JavaScript Generator Functions

JavaScript, with generator functions, displays below. The code below responds to click events on the blue and red buttons above.

JavaScript for Generator Functions

The following JavaScript implements Generator functionality for the blue and red buttons. See JavaScript file async-iterate.js.

// HTML elements to
// display data:
var eGen = document.getElementById(
var eGenIt = document.getElementById(

// Image to display:
var imAsync = document.getElementById(

 * The asterisk after keyword function
 * indicates this is a Generator function.
 * This function returns a 
 * Generator object.
function* displayCard () {
// yield, like return
yield "Ace";
yield "King";
yield "Queen";
yield "Jack";

// Generator function
// to display a series of cards.
const genCards = displayCard();

* Generator, genCards, returned from
* Generator function
function displayCardNext(){
// Access property, value:
var obj = genCards.next();
var n = obj.value;
var d = obj.done;
if(d == false){
eGen.innerHTML += n +",";

 * Iterator from Generator
 * directly from function.
function displayCardNextIt(){
eGenIt.innerHTML = "";
for (const val of displayCard()) {
eGenIt.innerHTML += val +",";

Asynchronous Iteration

We started with asynchronous downloads. The previous section explained interation functions. This section combines both topics. We want iteration over values which download in the background. With any large processes users can continue with a responsive interface while background data downloads in a separate thread. The separate thread allows asynchronous processing.

Tap the aqua button, to see inspirational quotes downloaded from a text file. The aqua button downloads the file asynchronously, splits the file into lines, then displays the data on the user interace thread.

Tap the green button, to see the same set of inspirational quotes. However the green button downloads the text file, splits the file into an array of strings, then displays the strings with an asynchronous iterator.

Tap: Individual Asynchronous Generator Data -
Tap: Iterate Over Asynchronous Generator Data

JavaScript Asynchronous Iterator

The following JavaScript code, from file async-iterate-yield.js, implements the download and display of data that you see in the aqua and green buttons above.

Now you've progressed from simple asynchronous fetch operations, to synchronous generators and finally asynchronous generators with fetch operations.

const S_STAR = "<br>*******<br>";

// HTML elements to
// display data:
var eGenA = document.getElementById(
var eGenItA = document.getElementById(

var fileAsync = 'https://code.7thunders.biz/h5/js/assets/inspireAll.txt';

var sAInfo = null;

* Respond to button tap.
function getText() {

 * Fetch a text file
 * on the background thread.
 * Split the file into lines.
 * Display lines on the
 * user interface thread.
async function loadText(){
let myObject = await fetch(fileAsync);
let sInfo = await myObject.text();
let s = sInfo.split('\n');

 * Fetch file.
 * Split file.
 * Iterate over
 * split array asynchronlusly.
async function loadTextLines(){
let myObject = await fetch(fileAsync);
let sInfo = await myObject.text();
sAInfo = await sInfo.split('\n');
eGenItA.innerHTML = "";
// Run AsyncGenerator
for (const val of iterateTextLines()) {
 eGenItA.innerHTML += S_STAR + val + S_STAR;

 * Yield array element by array element.
 * @return: AsyncGenerator
function *iterateTextLines(){
yield sAInfo[0];
yield sAInfo[1];
yield sAInfo[2];	

* Just display to HTML element eGenA.
* @param s: array of strings.
function display(s){
eGenA.innerHTML = "";
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
eGenA.innerHTML += S_STAR + s[i] + S_STAR;


This page provided interactive examples and code, demonstrating asynchronous iteration implemented with ECMAScript 2018. The examples expanded from fairly simple to more involved, throughout the tutorial.

Simple fetch

You started with the simple fetch API. Anonymous method fetch.then((response) =>, activates after the fetched file downloads. Within the then() method, this example displayed the response status and JSON text, to an HTML element.

Next you wrapped similar code in an AsyncGenerator function. Call the function, then display the parsed JSON file along with an image. The image source string downloads with the JSON file. Keywords async and await cause the JSON file to download on a background thread.

Simple Generators, Iterators

Next we implemented one simple Generator function, while demonstrating two applications of that function. Generator functions return a value after the yield keyword. Generator functions also maintain state. Built-in code remembers which yield value was returned last.

Call generator functions with a few different techniques. The first function call simply retrieved incremental values from yield with the next() method, each time you tap a button. The second generator function iterates with a for loop, using the function's sychronous iterator.

Asynchronous Iterators

Last we combined the fetch API with keywords async and wait on a background thread. Asynchronous generators yield properties in response to next() method calls, similar to synchronous generators. However each call to next() should process on a background thread.

The two examples in this tutorial demonstrate two new techniques. The first example displays all data after waiting for a file to download. The second example calls the asynchronous function within a for loop. Feel free to download and use the code.

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript's the foundation of Web developer and Website design skills. This free and unique JavaScript tutorial includes some new or seldom used, but useful features.

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