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JavaScript: Change Content, Loops, Statements, Identifiers

Page 5

Change Content, Loops, Statements, Identifiers

Introduction Change Content JavaScript Statements Indentifier Rules & Conventions Loops - For, For In, For of, While, Do While Window Methods Summary


Learn to change Web page content, run various loops, display, close and style new windows. Read an overview of JavaScript statements, fixed values, naming and rules conventions for identifiers.

Change Content

Learn to change content on a Web page including images, HTML elements, input elements, the entire Web page, the Web developer console, an alert and window popups.


Learn about loops including for, for-in, for-of, while and do-while iteration.

JavaScript Source Code

See the source code for this page. Read JavaScript file loops.js.

Change Content

Tap to Change Image

The img.src property alternates between two different images, when you tap the image below.

Image Changes

Source Code to Change Image

The following JavaScript alternates the image source on display, in HTML element id, im.

var bImgChanged = false;

function changeImg(){
 let im = null;
 if(im == null){
  im = getElement('im');	

  bImgChanged = false;

  bImgChanged = true;


HTML Element Content

Change input element text with the value property. Change the text on most other types of HTML elements, with the innerHTML property.

function changeHTML(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 e.innerHTML = "Changed!";
Click to Change Button Content!
function changInput(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 e.value ="Changed!";

Change Document Content

Write directly to this document and overwrite the entire page. Tap the aqua colored box below, to display Changed Document!, in place of this page's content. Re-load this page to continue reading.

Write to the Console

Open your Web browser's debugger. For example with FireFox select the upper right menu:

function changeDoc(){
Click to Change Document!
function changeOutput(){
console.log("Changed Log!");
Click to Change Console Log!

Window Methods

Learn to open, close and style windows.

Window Alert, Open, Close

Tap the orange box to display an alert window that renders above your Web page. Tap the violet box to open or close a 200 x 100 pixel window.

Tap a Box

Click to See an Alert!
alert('Showing Alert!');
Tap to Open:Close a Window
var win = null;
function winOpen(sBG) {
if (win == null || win.closed){
 win = window.open(
 win.document.write("New Window!"); 
 // Style this window:
 win = null;

Style a Window

Function winNewBG() calls function winStyleBG() in the following two examples.

If the small window's open then winNewBG() brings the current window to the front and styles it. Otherwise winNewBG() creates a new window and styles it.

Please see functions winNewBG() and winStyleBG() in JavaScript file loops.js. Function winNewBG() opens a new small window. However if a window's already open then winNewBG() calls winStyleBG() to modify the current window's style.

Function winStyleBG() displayed in the two boxes below, applies JavaScript to modify CSS values for properties color, textAlign, fontWeight and backgroundColor, on the open window.

Tap Boxes for Styled Windows

Tap for Blue Window
function winStyleBG(bg){
win.document.body.style.color = "white";
win.document.body.style.textAlign = "center";
win.document.body.style.fontWeight = "bold";
win.document.body.style.backgroundColor = bg;	
Tap for Green Window
function winStyleBG(bg){
win.document.body.style.color = "white";
win.document.body.style.textAlign = "center";
win.document.body.style.fontWeight = "bold";
win.document.body.style.backgroundColor = bg;	

Tap Colored Boxes

Each colored box below, changes the small popup window's background color. Each box calls function winStyleBG(). The arguments for each function range from violet, yellow, orange, red to purple.


JavaScript Statements

JavaScript statements include values, operators, expressions, keywords and comments.

The previous Source Code to Change Image section included an example of simple code. Each statement ends in a semi-colon - ;. Statements should always end in a semi-colon.

The following line demonstrates a simple statement. String This is a statement. on the right, is assigned to variable, s, on the left.

var s = "This is a statement";


An expression is a subset of a statement. A statement performs an action. Expressions contain values, variables and operators. Expressions evaluate to a specific value. An expression is a statement however not all statements are expressions.

The following example is an expression. Variable x evaluates to 110. Operator + adds 10 to 100.

var x = 10 + 100;

Fixed Values

Fixed values are also called literals. A literal cannot be changed. Fixed values include string, numeric, boolean, array, regular expression and even object literals. The following string is a literal.

I am a Web Developer.

The following digit is a numeric literal.


Usually a literal's assigned to a variable or constant. Constant N_TEN is a constant. Value 10 is a digital literal.

const N_TEN = 10;

Literal I write code. is assigned to variable s, below.

s = "I write code.";

Tap a Box for Numbers & Strings

The dark green box applies numeric literal 10 to an expression. The light green box displays string entries from an array literal named a, as follows.

let a = ["Cats","Dogs","Parrots"];
function changeNumber(sId){
let e = getElement(sId);
e.innerHTML = Math.round(
Math.random() * 10
Tap Repeatedly -> New Numbers!
var k = 0;

function changeString(sId){
let a = ["Cats","Dogs","Parrots"];
let l = a.length;
let e = getElement(sId);

e.innerHTML = a[k];

if(k == l){
k = 0;

Tap -> Displays One Word at a Time.

Indentifier Rules & Conventions

Create identifiers to name variables and functions.


The first character of a identifier must contain a letter, underscore or dollar sign. Subsequent letters can contain letters, underscores, dollar signs or digits.

With JavaScript you can declare variables on one line, separated by a comma, as follows.

var cat = "Bombay", catType = "Domestic", neuterCost = 100;


You can't use a number as the first character. Plus JavaScript identifiers are case sensitive. Therefore cow and Cow represent different elements.

You saw examples of identifiers in the section titled, Source Code to Change Image. For example variables im and bImgChanged were identifiers.

The example code was prepared to be concise. However often you'll want very legible, self describing code. That allows other developers to understand your code easier.

Camel Case Convention

Camel case naming's often applied to function names and variable identifiers. Camel case separates the first character of words with upper case letters, yet camel case names begin with lower case letters. For example brownCat and windowPopup, begin words brown and window in lower case. The second words, Cat and Popup are easy to differentiate with upper case letters.

Verb-Noun Function Convention

Functions are often named with two words. The first word is a verb, describing the function's action. The second word is a noun, describing which elements the function acts on.

Loops - For, For In, For of, While, Do While

JavaScript loops allow developers to execute one code block multiple times. Loops include for, for in, for of, while and do while.

Tap boxes below and see loops.js for each loop type's implementation.

For Loop

The for loop increments or decrements a variable until that variable reaches a coded termination value.

The variable, j, in the following example starts at one, increments by one for each loop and exits at three.

for(let j = 1; j < 4; j++){...}

For In Loop - Associative Array

Associative arrays include attribute:value pairs. Each attribute's associated with a value.

The following associative array includes attributes generic, type and coat. The following associative array includes values Wild, Jaguar and Spotted.

const cat = {

The for in loop iterates over each value in an associative array. The for in loop ignores each attribute in an associative array. The for in loop returns only values.

For Loop

The for loop iterates over a set number of values. The example for loop, in the violet box, loops from digits zero to three. The for - in loop, in the yellow box iterates over a set of associative array entries, displaying just the entry values.

Tap a Box: For Loop, For in Loop

For Loop

for(let i = 0; i < 4; i++){
dFor.innerHTML += "<br>i: " + i;

For In Loop

// Associative array:
const cat = {

// Access by index:
for (let c in cat) {
dForIn.innerHTML += cat[c] +"<br>";

For Of Loop

The for of loop iterates over a simple array, retrieving each element in the array. The loop stops when all elements in an array have run through the loop.

While Loop

The while loop runs during the time a specified condition returns true. Therefore the following while loop, code snippet, will run forever because the condition always equals true. Be sure to include a terminating value. The loop must stop at some specified criteria.

while (true){....}

For example, while (i < 4) will run until i is greater than or equal to four. In other words, if i starts at four or above, the loop never runs. If i increments during the while loop, when i equals four or exceeds four, the loop stops running. At some point i must be greater than three to exit the loop.

Tap a Box: For Of, While Loops

For Of Loop
// Simple array:
const cats = ["Siamese","Bombay","Lynx"];

for (let c of cats){
// Access by element
dForOf.innerHTML += c +"<br>";	
While Loop
let i = 0;
while (i < 4){
dWhile.innerHTML += "i:"+i+"<br>";
// Increment i in this loop:

Do While Loop

Learn to apply JavaScript do-while, from ECMAScript 3.

The do-while loop will always run atleast once. The loop runs, then checks an exit condition at the end of the loop.

Tap a Box: Two Do While Loops

The blue box will run once, despite the fact that i starts at 0. The blue box displays 0, then exits because the test for (i < 0) processes at the end of the loop.

The violet box runs while i equals 0,1,2,3 and 4, exiting when i equals 5.

Do While Loop
let i = 0;
doWhile.innerHTML += "i:"+i+"<br>";
while (i < 0)

Do While Loop

let i = 0;
doWhile.innerHTML += "i:"+i+"<br>";
while (i < 5)


You learned how to change Web page content, run various loops, display, close and style new windows. You read an overview of JavaScript statements, fixed values, naming and rules conventions for identifiers.

Change Content

You learned to change content on a Web page including images, HTML elements, input elements, the entire Web page, the Web developer console an alert and window popups.


You learned about loops including for, for-in, for-of, while and do-while iteration.

JavaScript Source Code

See the source code for this page in JavaScript file loops.js.

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript's the foundation of Web developer and Website design skills. This free and unique JavaScript tutorial includes some new or seldom used, but useful features.

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