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JavaScript: Data Types

Page 6

Data Types

Introduction typeof Operator Primitive Types No Value Types BigInt Complex Types See Data Types! Let, Var, Const Tap to Trap Errors Key-Value Pairs Plus Sign Symbol Maps Under development Set Summary


Learn about simple and complex JavaScript data types. Tap sets of colored buttons to see the JavaScript typeof operator's return value for various JavaScript types. Tap buttons to see return values from various data type features.

See string, number, boolean, null, undefined, class, key-value associative arrays, array, function, Symbol, BigInt, Set and Map types.

Most of the JavaScript source code's in files datatypes.js, symbols.js and p6.js.

typeof Operator

The JavaScript typeof operator returns the data type of its operand. The typeof operator recognizes string, number, boolean and undefined primitive data types. The typeof operator recognizes either object or function complex data types.

Primitive Types

JavaScript primitive data types hold one single value of data. Primitive types cannot contain, or hold, more than one value. The typeof operator returns string, number, boolean or undefined, for primitive data types.


String data type contains a set of characters as one string. For example variable s below, holds the string, Web Developer. Assign strings with single or double quotes, as follows.

// Double quotes:
let s     = "Web Developer";
let sName = "Tanya";

// Single quotes:
let sLastName ='Doristica';


Number data type contains a digit or decimal value. Variable n below, holds the decimal number, 3.14.

var n = 3.14;

Assign numbers without quotes.

var iNumerator   = 2; 
var iDenominator = 4;


The boolean data type contains either true or false values. Boolean variable b below, holds the value true.

var b = true;

No Value Types

Data types with no value include null and undefined. No value types include both undefined, which is considered a primitive type and null which is considered a complex type.

The typeof operator returns object for null values and undefined for unassigned variables or properties.


If a variable holds no value then it's undefined. A variable that has never received a value is undefined. For example variable u below, is undefined.

var u;


It's better practice to assign a variable the value null, than to leave it undefined.

Null data type.
var f = null;
typeof f;

Unassigned data type.
var q;
typeof q;

Case Sensitive

The complex type, null has no value, yet when spelled with all capital letters such as, NULL, an error's triggered. For example you might see, Uncaught ReferenceError: NULL is not defined.

Typeof null
var e = null;

Typeof NULL
var z = NULL;

Tap Boxes: Primitive typeof Operator

Tap four boxes below, to see the result of the typeof operator on data types string, number, boolean and undefined.

String & Number

var s = "Web Developer";
typeof s;

var n = 3.14;
typeof n;

Boolean & Undefined

var b = true;
typeof b;

var u;
typeof u;

Complex Data Types

The typeof operator returns either object or function for complex data types.


Many different structures identify as object data types. For example the typeof operator returns object for {animal:'Cheetah', speed:60}, ['a','b','c'], Date and null.


The typeof operator returns function for both class and function declarations.

Tap Boxes: Complex typeof Operator

What's the type of a function?
function fHelloWorld(){alert('Hello World')}
typeof fHelloWorld;

What's the type of a Date?
var j = new Date();
typeof j;

Avoid new Object Types

JavaScript allows simple data type declarations with the keyword new and the type constructor, as follows. However such declarations aren't needed and they decrease code performance.

var n = new Number();
var s = new String();
var b = new Boolean();


JavaScript numbers by default, use 64 bit floating point values. The default number range is positive or negative (253 - 1). Therefore developers can operate with no more than fifteen digits per integer.

The new BigInt data type allows developers to operate on integer values that have more than fifteen digits.

Declare BigInt

Create BigInt with either the BigInt() cast or prepend a string of digits with n, as follows.

let nBigInt1 =4681012141618202224262830n;
let nBigInt2 = BigInt(4681012141618202224262830);

Tap a Box for Typeof with BigInt

Type Of BigInt prepended with n.
let nBigInt1 =4681012141618202224262830n;
typeof nBigInt1;

Type of BigInt cast with BigInt()
let nBigInt2 = BigInt(4681012141618202224262830);
typeof nBigInt2;

BigInt Operators

All JavaScript number operators apply to BigInt datatypes. However you can't mix number and BigInt types within expressions. Tap a box for BigInt multiplication or division.

Multiply BigInt
let n1 = 7234123456789103n;
let n2 = 8116199254740995n;
let nProduct = n1 * n2;

Divide a BigInt
// BigInt operates with BigInt
// not with Number

BigInt Exceptions

Try-catch blocks may capture exceptions when developers attempt to perform mathematical operations on BigInt with Number. Tap a box for BigInt with Number multiplication or addition.

Add BigInt with Number
let nBigInt2 = BigInt(4681012141618202224262830);
let n2 = 3;
let x = nBigInt2 + n2;

Multiply BigInt by Number
let x = 8116199254740995n * 2;

Complex Types

Complex types include any variable or constant which contains more than one value such as class declarations, class references, array, key-value associative arrays and Date. The typeof operator returns function for both functions and class declarations. The typeof operator returns object for class references and most other complex data types.

Tap Boxes: Complex typeof Operator

Class Types

Typeof class declaration
class Cat {
constructor(name, type) {
this.name = name;
this.year = year;
typeof Cat;

Typeof class reference
class g { constructor(){} f(){}}
var g1 = new g();
typeof g1;

Object Types

Associative Array with key-value pairs.
const dog = {type:"Poodle", color:"white"};
typeof dog;

var a = ['a','b','c'];
typeof a;

Tap for Odd Results

Some calls to typeof should probably return undefined from the typeof operator, such 3/0 or ‘abc’/3. Mathematically 3/0 is undefined.

If I pass 3/0 or abc/3 to the typeof operator, in my Web browser, the value returned is always number. Perhaps any mathematical operation returns a number type. Notice when you tap buttons, that operation return values are Infinity and NaN. The typeof operator then determins that both Infinity and NaN are of type number.

var n = 3/0;
typeof n;

var p = "abc"/3; 
typeof p;

Positive, Negative Infinity

Just display the result of 3/0 and -3/0. Don't call the typeof operator. With the Firefox browser on my OS, the following two statements evaluate to Infinity and -Infinity. They probably should evaluate to NaN or undefined.

var n = 3/0; // Show value of: n;
var o = -3/0; // Show value of: o

Tap for Result: NaN, Infinity

Just display the result of true/0 and abc/3. Don't call typeof. My browser displays NaN for abc/3 and Infinity for true/0.

var n = true/0;
// display n

var p = "abc"/3; 
// display p

See Data Types!

Tap boxes to see a large set of data types, below. JavaScript file, datatypes.js, declares each variable.

Tap Boxes

Each box displays the value returned from the typeof operator.

Typeof Array
var a = ['a','b','c'];

Typeof Decimal Number
var b = 9.1;

String & Boolean

Typeof String
var c = "Developer";

Typeof Boolean
var d = false;

Function, Associative Array

Tap to see return values for a function and associative array.

What's the typeof a function?
function h(){};

What's the type of an associative array?
var i = {key1:'value1',key2:'value2'};

Symbol, Exponent E

Symbols maintain hidden values, therefore an attempt to display the symbol itself triggers an exception.

Please read more about the new Symbol type, later.

Exponent E

Exponent e multiplies a number by the power of ten. If the operand for e is positive, then the decimal point moves to the right, multiplying the number by powers of ten. If the operand for e is negative, then the decimal point moves to the left, dividing the number by powers of ten.

Exponent e-2 appended to the number 3 in 3e-2, moves the decimal point, on the number three, two digits to the left. Therefore the product equals 0.03.

Symbol type
var l = Symbol('letter');

Move Decimal Point.
var m = 3e-2;

Let, Var, Const

Variables declared with keywords let versus var modify scope. A var has scope in its current block and all sub blocks. A let has local scope. Therefore you can declare the same variable name with let in separate blocks, but not sub blocks, and the variables will not affect each other.

You can redeclare a var, and it will contain its original value. You cannot redeclare a let.


After the following two lines, below, execute, test still evaluates to Test, even if the second test variable was declared inside a sub block such as, var test = "Test"; {var test;}

var test="Test"; var test;

Invalid Let

The following two lines generate an error. Don't declare two let variables with the same name in the same block or in sub blocks.

let test="Test"; let test;

Invalid Let: Block & Sub Block

Invalid application of the let keyword renders JavaScript incapable of execution. For example the following function disables the entire JavaScript file with the error Uncaught SyntaxError: redeclaration of let n. Any try-catch block never has a chance to execute.

Notice declaration of let n in a super block and declaration of let n in a sub block.

function letTest(sId){

 var e = getElement(sId);
 // Super block:
 let n = 16;
 // Sub block:
 for(let n = 0; n < 3; n++){
  e.innerHTML += n+"<br>";
 e.innerHTML += n + ": outside of block.";

What's the Problem?

You can declare variables with the same name as both let and var only when the let variable has a narrower scope.

You can declare:

var n = 1;

 // Narrow scoped
 // to this block:
 let n = 2;

You cannot declare:

// Wider scoped
// outside of block:
let n = 1;

 var n = 2;

Let Versus Var in Action

Tap a box. The values for both var n and let n display. The let value has a more narrow scope and maintains its value within its containing block. The var value has a wider scope and maintain its value outside the narrower block.

Let within for loop.
function letTest(sId){
 var e = getElement(sId);
 var n = 16;

 for(let n = 0; n < 3; n++){
  e.innerHTML += n+": inside block.<br>";

 e.innerHTML += n + ": outside block.";

Let within simple block.
function letTest2(sId){

var e = getElement(sId);

var n = 32;

// Block declared 
// with simple curly braces:
 let n = Math.sqrt(4);
 e.innerHTML += n+": inside block.<br>";
e.innerHTML += n + ": outside of block.";

Tap Boxes

OK: Redeclare a var:
var test="Test"; 
var test;
Error: Redeclare a let:
let test="Test"; 
let test;


Variables declared with const remain the same value and block scope. You cannot redeclare constant variables within a block, with the same name, but different value.

Array properties, where the array's a const, can be reassigned. The array itself cannot be reassigned but the array property can be reassigned. That may seem like a subtle difference but it's not. Don't expect const to protect array entries. Any developer can change const array properties.

Tap to Trap Errors

The following boxes trap errors, if something invalid attempts to process.

Use try-catch or try-catch-finally blocks to process errors within your code.

Return or Finally

If code doesn't return after catching an exception, then it will resume. If code resumes then be sure to avoid accessing variables which may have triggered an error.

You may also include a finally block to execute any safe code, regardless whether an exception happened or not. Safe code includes just the properties which may not have triggered an exception.

Click to Test - Throws an Error

function createError(sId){

let e = getElement(sId);

try {

// Undefined function:


catch(err) {

e.innerHTML = err.message;



Click to Test - c3,c4 In Scope

function testConstScope(sId){

let e = getElement(sId);

// Assign constant
// the value 1, once.
const c1 = 1;


// You can't assign
// c1 a different value.
c1 = 2;


// Display the error:
e.innerHTML = ex.toString();


// If there was no
// error, then display
// the value of c1:
e.innerHTML = c1;

Change Const Array Entries

You can change the value of an entry in the constant array named, aDigits. You cannot change the entire array.

Change Entry At Zero:

const aDigits = [1,2,3];
aDigits[0] = 5;

Change Entire Array

const aDigits = [1,2,3];
aDigits = [4,5,6];	
e.innerHTML = ex.toString();

Key-Value Pairs

Key-value pairs can be accessed in a number of ways. For example value1 in the following code, could be accessed with v = i[key1]; or v = i.key1;. However v = key[0] does not work. Let's try it.

Tap Boxes: Associative Array Entries

Shows value by key name with array access syntax:
// Declare associative array:
var i = {key1:'value1',key2:'value2'};

// Display this value:

Shows value by key name:
// Declare associative array:
var i = {key1:'value1',key2:'value2'};

// Display this value:

Associative Arrays

You can't access the value of an associative array by index number. You can access the keys of an associative array with a for-in loop as follows.

Should not access data:
const dog = {type:"Poodle", color:"white"};

function assocArrayByIndex(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 if (dog[0]){
  e.innerHTML = dog[0];
  e.innerHTML = "Inaccessible dog[0].";

Shows attribute names not values. Useful when you don't know all key names.
const dog = {type:"Poodle", color:"white"};

function showKeys(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 e.innerHTML = "Keys from dog associative array:<br>";

 for (var key in dog) {
  e.innerHTML += key+",";

Plus Sign

You can concatenate strings or add numbers with the plus sign. Adding a number to a string or a string to a number can certainly cause confusion.


On my OS with the FireFox Web browser, if any element in an expression is a string, then the entire expression evaluates to a string. Every number's converted to string representation and appended to a string. It doesn't matter if the last element or the first element's a string.

However if all elements are numbers then the type's a number and results process with addition.

Tap to Evaluate: String or Number

Notice if the first entries are numbers, they're numerically added until the processor finds a string. The string's appended and the result's a string.

Is this a String or Number?
"1" + 2 + 3
Is this a String or Number?
1 + 2 + "3.14"

Tap to Evaluate: String or Number

Any string operand causes the processor to return a string. Numbers are concatenated as strings once a string's encountered.

Is this a String or Number?
("1" + 2) + 3
Is this a String or Number?
(1 + 2) + 3


JavaScript Symbols were added to ES6 as primitive data types. Symbols represent unique identifiers. Create a new symbol without the new keyword. Optionally include an identifier as the symbol's argument. Symbols are stored in the registry. Symbols are immutable and therefore cannot be changed.

Symbols allow developers to create variables with values that no one can read or modify. Code can't reassign values to a symbol.

You can create symbols with identifiers for ease of use. However two temporary symbols can have the same identifier, yet different values. Two global symbols cannot have the same identifier. All global symbols have different values and different identifiers.

Always Different Values

Therefore both temporary and global symbols always have unique values. No two symbols maintain the same value. Developers cannot change or read symbol values.

This smakes symbols useful. Once you've created a symbol, regardless of the coded identifier, the value remains fixed.

Global Symbols

Global symbols are stored in the global symbol registry. Global symbols remain active as long as an application runs. Global symbols allow only one symbol per identifier.

Global symbols are accessible between JavaScript file execution, within one application. Once the symbol's created it remains active across files.

Methods Symbol.for('id') and Symbol.keyFor(value) are inverses. The first method returns a symbol value by identifier, if it exists in the global registry. The second method returns a symbol identifier by value, if it exists in the global registry.

You cannot have two symbols with the same identifier in the global registry. Otherwise Symbol.for('id') would not know which symbol to return. Therefore Symbol.for('id') either creates or returns one symbol with one ID in the global registry.

Global Symbol.for('id')

Symbol.for('id') retrieves a symbol by ID from the global registry. If the id does not exist then Symbol.for('id') creates a symbol in the global symbol registry.

Global Symbol.keyFor(value)

Symbol.keyFor(value) retrieves a symbol in the global symbol registry based on the unique symbol value. If the symbol does not exist then symbol.keyFor(value) returns undefined or throws an error.

Temporary Symbols

Temporary symbols store in a temporary symbol registry however symbol values are not maintained after a file completes execution. Temporary symbols allow more than one symbol per identifier. Yet each symbol's value's different.

Temporary: Symbol('id')

Symbol('id') creates a symbol in the temporary symbol registry. You can have two, or more, temporary symbols with the same ID. However each symbol's value will be different.

Create Temporary Symbols

Declare a local symbol with an identifier. The following example's identifier is id4. The value of the symbol's saved to variable j, yet you cannot read that value.

var j = Symbol('id4');

Create Second Symbol: Same Identifier

The following line creates a second local symbol with the identifier id4. The previous example created a symbol with identifier id4, as well. Both lines of code may execute within the same file. Both local symbols will be created with the same identifier. However symbol j and symbol k maintain different values.

var k = Symbol('id4');

Test Symbols for Equality

Despite the fact that both j and k have the same identifier, they are different symbols.

if(j != k){alert('equal');

Global Versus Temporary Symbols

You can create two temporary symbols with different keys, or identifiers. You cannot create two global symbols with different keys, or identifiers. Temporary symbols with the same keys, are different symbols. Global symbols with the same keys, are the same symbol.

Create, compare local symbols. Two different symbol values with same identifiers.
let e = getElement(sId);
s1Local = Symbol('keysame');
s2Local = Symbol('keysame');
e.innerHTML = "s1: "+s1.description;
e.innerHTML += "<br>s2: "+s2.description;
e.innerHTML += "<br>s1 == s2: "+(s1 == s2);	

Create, compare global symbols. One symbol value with same identifer.
let e = getElement(sId);
s3Global = Symbol.for('keysame');
s4Global = Symbol.for('keysame');	
e.innerHTML = ex.toString();
e.innerHTML = "s3 == s4:"+(s3 == s4);

Symbol Use

Immutable unique global symbols provide useful security. I believe it may be very difficult to retrieve the value of any global symbol. Developers can retrieve global symbols by id, however they can't access or modify global symbol values.

Assume you want each person to have a unique identifier that's difficult to obtain. Create a person class.

Create an array of person. Create unique symbols in the global registry. Assign the symbols as unique identifiers for each person

var aryPerson = null;
class Person {

constructor (lastname,sym,n) {
 this.lastname = lastname;
 // attribute, or key, this[sym]
 // should be inaccessible unless
 // you have the symbol, 'sym'.
 // You can't access the value
 // of 'n' without the value of 'sym'.
 // You can never access the value of 'sym'.
 this[sym] = n;


Unique Identifiers

Hackers who access JavaScript can't determine the unique ID assigned to each person because they can't read the ID through JavaScript. However, how do you hide the symbol variable itself?

Assign attributes only accessible by symbol.
function symbolsSetID(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
  sym1 = Symbol.for('p1');
  sym2 = Symbol.for('p2');
  aryPerson = new Array();
  aryPerson.push(new Person('Ford', sym1, 1));
  aryPerson.push(new Person('Harrison', sym2, 2));
  if(e) e.innerHTML = ex.toString();
 if(e)e.innerHTML = "Successfully created two symbol IDs.";
Access attributes by symbol.
function symbolsGetID(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 if (aryPerson == null){
 let i = aryPerson.length;
 for (var j = 0; j < i; j++){
  let p = aryPerson[j];
   e.innerHTML += "<br>Found "+p.lastname;
  else if(p[sym2]){
   e.innerHTML += "<br>Found "+p.lastname;

Persistent Symbols?

Retrieve symbols from the global symbol registry, if they exist. If not, an exception displays. Global symbols may be useful for secure online transactions. The values disappear after use. The values are invisible to hackers even during use.

Get sim<n> values from previous hidden class ID. Symbols for this function are created in the yellow button above, otherwise you'll see an error.
function getSymbolsGlobalPn(sId,k1,k2){
let e = getElement(sId);
let v1,v2 = null;
v1 = Symbol.keyFor(k1);
v2 = Symbol.keyFor(k2);
e.innerHTML = ex.toString();
e.innerHTML = "v1: "+v1;
e.innerHTML += "<br>v2: "+v2;
Get s<n> values from previous. Symbols for this function are created in the yellow button above, otherwise you'll see an error.
function getSymbolsGlobalPn(sId,k1,k2){
let e = getElement(sId);
let v1,v2 = null;
v1 = Symbol.keyFor(k1);
v2 = Symbol.keyFor(k2);
e.innerHTML = ex.toString();
e.innerHTML = "v1: "+v1;
e.innerHTML += "<br>v2: "+v2;


Maps are like objects with attribute-value pairs. However maps allow any JavaScript type as an attribute. Maps maintain their order. Maps include a few predefined and unique methods such as clear(), delete(), entries(), has(), forEach(), keys(), set(), forEach(function) and values().

Map Versus Attribute-Value Arrays

JavaScript maps and attribute-value arrays have many similarities. Both include attribute-value pairs. Attribute-value arrays accept only two types of attributes; string or symbol. Map accepts any attribute data type such as functions, objects, string, symbol and other primitives.

Order of Insertion

Map attributes remain in the order they are inserted. With attribute-value arrays, order doesn't matter.

Create Maps

You can create a map in one of two ways. Either pass an array to the map constructor or create a new empty map then add attribute value pairs with mapname.set(attribute,value).

The example below creates a map entry with attribute 3.14 and the value's a function. We'll apply that in an example.

var mapname = new Map();

function(){alert("Hello World."}

Tap for Map Value Access

Get the value at 3.14.
var mapname = new Map();

function(){alert("Hello World."}


Call the function stored at 3.14.
var mapname = new Map();

function(){alert("Hello World."}

var f = mapname.get(3.14);

Map Constructor with Array

The following declaration creates a map with an array. The Map named map1 applies to interactive box examples in this section. Variable map1 includes three attributes, 'a','b' and 'c'. Map map1 includes three values, function()...,[1,2,3] and class c2....

let map1 = new Map(
 ['c','class c2{constructor(){}}'],

Map Values, Entries, Keys

The following three boxes call values(), entries() and keys() on the map1 Map, declared previously.

Method values() returns just the value portion of each entry. Method keys() returns just the attribute portion of each entry. Method entries() returns both the attribute and value of each entry.

Map forEach()

The Map.forEach() method iterates over every element in the map. You can access attributes, called keys, values or entries. Method forEach() doesn't save any values. If you want to maintain values from forEach() then store them external to the loop.

Map.forEach() iterates over each element in a Map, accessing the map, values and keys with a function. You may pass the function as a parameter, as an arrow function or inline function.

The next six boxes apply method forEach() with different parameters including a function parameter and an arrow function parameter.

Map Values, Entries

Obtain values
function mapValues(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 var s1 = "";
 for (var value of map1.values()) {
  s1 += value + "<br>";
 e.innerHTML = s1;
Obtain entries
function mapEntries(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 var sK = "";
 for (var ke of map1.entries()) {
  sK += ke + "<br>";
 e.innerHTML = sK;

Map Keys, Call External Function

Obtain keys
function mapKeys(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 var sK = "";
 for (var ke of map1.keys()) {
  sK += ke + ",";
 e.innerHTML = sK;
Access map1 with function printAttribValue().
var eGlobal = null;

function mapForEachFunction(sId){
 eGlobal = getElement(sId);
 eGlobal.innerHTML = "";

function printAttribValue(v,k,m){
 eGlobal.innerHTML += "<br><br>";
 eGlobal.innerHTML += "attribute: "+k;
 eGlobal.innerHTML += "<br>value: "+v;

Map Functions: Inline, Anonymous

Access map1 with inline function concatKeys().
function mapForEachInline(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 var sK = "";

  // Inline function
  function concatKeys(value, key, map){
   sK += key +",";

 e.innerHTML = sK;
function mapForEachArrow(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
 var sK = "";
 map1.forEach((value, key, map1)=> {
  sK += 'key:' + key + ', value:'+value+'<br><br>';
 e.innerHTML = sK;


Sets are like arrays except you can only have one of any particular value. For example you cannot have a set with two entries that have a value of a. You cannot have duplicate values.

Sets do not include attribute-value pairs. Sets simply contain data entries. Sets have values, not keys (also called attributes).

Create sets with new and no arguments or new and an array argument. Concatenate sets with the add() method. Sets, like Maps, maintain their order. Entries remain in the same order that they are added to the set.

Set methods include clear(), delete(), entries(), has(), add(), forEach(), set(), forEach(function) and values().

Tap Boxes to See Results

n equals 16

function setCreate(n){

 if(set1 == null){
  set1 = new Set();


n equals 25

function setCreate(n){

 if(set1 == null){
  set1 = new Set();


Display Sets

Display set1
function setDisplay(sId){
 let e = getElement(sId);
  for (const v of set1.values()) {
   e.innerHTML += "<br>"+v;
  e.innerHTML="Tap boxes above to create set1.";
Display the square root of each number in set1.
function setSquareRoot(sId){
let e = getElement(sId);
 set1.forEach(function(value) {
  e.innerHTML += "
"+Math.sqrt(value); }) } else{ e.innerHTML="Tap boxes above to create set1."; } }


You learned about simple and complex JavaScript data types. Sets of colored buttons with JavaScript variables of different types display data about various data types and features. You read about string, number, boolean, null, undefined, class, key-value arrays, simple arrays, functions, Symbol, BigInt, Set and Map types.

Most of the JavaScript source code's in files datatypes.js, symbols.js and p6.js.

Learn JavaScript

JavaScript's the foundation of Web developer and Website design skills. This free and unique JavaScript tutorial includes some new or seldom used, but useful features.

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